Brandon Ives: April 2008

Apr 9, 2008 

Left Behind

"Parental choice in education, through vouchers or some other instuments, continues to be a matter of simple justice. And yes, the chief concern here is for the urban underclass whose children are truly victimized by being consigned to government schools that have for decades been a catastrophe." Or so says, Richard John Neuhaus of First Things (A journal of all things Religioin, Culture and Public Life...

I recently heard Tony Campolo admit an error in judgement against voucher programs in innercity schools. Campolo a long time advocate for the poor and stuanch advocate against injustice, spoke on the subject during an internet broacast a few weeks ago. The competition for retaining students and more importantly government money has been feirce and students in inner cities have reaped the benifits. However, some public schoools have not improved and some students have still been Left Behind...

Many students have been able to leave failing schools and gain an opportunity to succeed, educationaly speaking. This is a positive step forward and most people should be supportive. I know I am.

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Apr 8, 2008 


Clarity is always a positive ambition. Whether it is asking someone out or hiring a new person for a specific role in an organization, clarity helps define and direct the nature of relationships. We have a relationship. If you are reading this right now, you have too much time on your hands and you happen to be relating to me through written words that have been bouncing around my head.

Back to Clarity. This blog is intended to share what I am reading, hearing, seeing and thinking. That means topics can be all over the place and the intent may not seem very clear. I agree, yet one constant remains. My interests. Take a look at a few of my previous posts, do your interests interact well with mine? If they do, sit and stay for a couple of minutes. If not, pass on by. It was a pleasure to write for you. And if you want to interact a bit more, write me. Until next time, peace and blessings.

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Back to blogging...

A couple of my friends have a blog up about the last season of a minor league baseball team in our town. It's well done and entertaining so take a look...

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