Brandon Ives: March 2010

Mar 30, 2010 

John Chandler's 3 Good Minutes

Ten Websites Every Bible Teacher Should Know

Never before in the developed world have Bible teachers been so resourced in terms of information. Here are ten helpful sites:
1. this site you can search a multiplicity of Bible translations in a variety of languages by word, phrase, topic, or passage. Among the twenty-one English translations are
2.'s Bible Study Tools- This very helpful site includes
o several full-Bible commentaries including
§ Spurgeon's Treasury of David, and more.
o Several Bible Dictionaries including
o And a number of other helpful resources
3.'s-Bible Maps & Timelines
Just what it says. Lots of maps from the Old and New Testaments
4. site features
o A Devotionals Page that includes
o A Commentaries Page that features
o Bible Encyclopedias including the classic
o The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
an amazing resource - this is an entire Bible of cross-references.
5. Leadership University - A large repository of fine articles relevant to the pastor including pieces on apologetics, systematic theology, philosophy, etc.
6. Fides Quaerens Internetum - a portal to the theological net featuring sites from a multiplicity of theological perspectives.
7. Grace Online Library - a fine collection of articles, books, etc from the Reformed tradition.
8. Christian Classics Ethereal Library - a dizzying assortment of entire books.
9. Creeds of Christendom
10. Christianity Today - CT is the source for what's going on today in evangelicalism

Subscribe to Three Good Minutes Here

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Mar 27, 2010 


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Mar 22, 2010 

Proud to be Virginia Baptist...

Virginia Baptist individuals, churches and other organizations have given $348,267 since the Jan. 12 quake that devastated the country, and especially its capital, Port-au-Prince, said Leigh Ann Winston, controller in the treasurer’s office.

Most of the contributions will be used to address long-term needs in Haiti, said Dean Miller, who coordinates disaster relief projects for the Virginia Baptist Mission Board. In the immediate aftermath of the disastrous earthquake -- which killed anywhere from 200,000 to 300,000 people -- international government and nonprofit relief organizations rushed aid to the country, providing emergency food, shelter and medical care for survivors. But a long-term strategy for recovery is just now being developed, said Miller.

Read More at the Religious Herald

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Mar 18, 2010 

Newsletter Article

Wasn't it amazing to see the sanctuary filled Sunday? The choir sounded great, we had lots of guests, and did I mention that the food was excellent! Thank you to everyone who helped make Sunday so special.

We have a lot to look forward to as a congregation. The choir sounds great on Wednesday nights and I am looking forward to hearing the cantata in full on the 28th. The Lent Services on Wednesday afternoons have been well attended and this coming week it is our turn to host. Dr. Ricky Lee will be our guest speaker and I know that he will bring a powerful message. And last but not least, Easter is right around the corner.

As we participate in these upcoming events, I can't help but think about the way our sanctuary looked Sunday. Over the past couple of weeks, we spent time inviting friends and spreading the news that there was a special service at our church Sunday. So what stops us from seeing so many people every week?

We are not inviting friends and spreading the news and letting people know that something special is happening here at First Baptist. We have good news to share about what God is doing here, so let's all try to share it with someone this week!

God Bless,



Mar 16, 2010 

A place that holds my wife's heart...

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Mar 15, 2010 

A long week...

So its been a long week.

It started last weekend at Eagle Eyrie, where Heather and I took the youth to Senior High Weekend. We had a great time as you can see below.

But I recovered, after a couple of days, in order to leave for Virginia Beach and attend the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of VA annual meeting. I traveled with my cousin-in-law Mark Snipes and enjoyed the conference.

And after that, this weekend our church had a wonderful time dedicating our new sanctuary and eating a fantastic lunch. Sunday then was topped off with a broken Montero and Deacons meeting...

But you know what... It was a great week!

Mar 9, 2010 

Is work getting away from you...


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