Brandon Ives: December 2009

Dec 23, 2009 

The Challenges of Web Design...

Several Days ago, I finished my work for the Christmas Season. Being a pastor, there are still services to officiate, sermons to be delivered, parties and meetings to attend. However day to day office work has subsided and I seem to have some extra time on my hands...

So I decided to build a website for my church. You can check out my progress here...

I enjoy tinkering with websites and design, yet I always come to the same place. I am never quite happy with it! At some point I lost hope with my current blog and now I only maintain it's structure.

The church website will probably be the same. I will change it everyday for a month and then eventually throw in the towel and claim defeat. It will be finished and I will be unhappy. The site may look nice (I guess), but on the inside... Discontent.

Anyways...If you would like to take the time, check out the site and let me know what you think. I always take advice and I sometimes I even listen :)

Dec 19, 2009 

Weekend Ramblings...

Here's an article about Obama and War titled How do you know War is War written by Stanley Hauerwas

You can tell from the pictures our Church Renovations are done...

Hopefully, we will continue to let God Renovate the rest of us.

This Weekend It Snowed!!!!

And finally,

We had lot's of fun at the Youth Christmas Get Together last night...

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Dec 18, 2009 

Well Christmas is coming...

So I thought I'd post clips from my favorite Christmas movie...

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Dec 16, 2009 

Person of the Year

Time's Person of the Year is out...

And the winner is Ben Bernanke!

If you do not know Bernanke or what happens to be the role of the fed chairmen, take 15 minutes and read the Time Article Here.

Dec 15, 2009 

The Smell of Sawdust

Recently I picked up The Smell of Sawdust by Richard Mouw for $1.39 at Lifeway. (Don't we love Clearance) I have really enjoyed this read. For those of us, who where raised among the evangelical crowd this book is a good review of where we came. Mouw endorses the best of the Fundamentalism, yet is not blind to the realities of its many shortcomings.

During the chapter, Fundamentalism Revisited, Mouw shares an analogy given to him by his predecessor David Hubbard. He said we evangelicals should look at the battles fought by previous generations in much the same way that American citizens honor the memories of those who fought in the Revolutionary War. "I can go to Bunker Hill," he said, "and feel patriotic, even though I have no animosity toward the present-day British."

If we could only live such a life. All to often, we live the battles of the past over and over again...

I am appreciative of those who have fought for truth, but not always proud of how they won. Every victory has losses, but our Christian witness, our generous spirit, our ability to forgive should never be the victim. Perhaps there is still much to learn from our past.

And perhaps this book is a place to be reminded of that again.

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Dec 14, 2009 

New E-Book

Seth Godin has an interesting ebook out that discusses what's next...

He has taken one page submissions from 70 "big thinkers" and called our attention to the big ideas to come in 2010.

Contributors include Chris Anderson, Ariana Huffington, Guy Kawasaki, Dave Ramsey and many more... It is worth taking a look at being absolutely free.

Find Seth Godin's Blog Post Here

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