Brandon Ives: Pass on Ten Thousand, when less will do...

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Jan 5, 2010 

Pass on Ten Thousand, when less will do...

Seth Godin has a new post about concerning bullhorns and how they are overrated. He says,

They cost too much and they don't work very well.

Most people ignore them, they don't last very long and they're undependable.

Anil Dash has discovered that having ten times as many Twitter followers generates approximately zero times as much value.

The goal shouldn't be to have a lot of people to yell at, the goal probably should be to have a lot of people who choose to listen. Don't need a bullhorn for that.

I think Seth is absolutely right. Organizations look for crowds and underestimate the power of a core of passionate people. Gathering passionate people that focus their energy together enables long term strength.

Scattering a message to large groups of semi-interested people may have it place, but you can't depend on it.

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